Outlaws and Highwaymen

Passages from Thomas Wilson’s A Discourse Upon Usury
Thomas Wilson, A Discourse Upon Usury, ed. R. H. Tawney (London, George Bell, 1925), p. 205


Preacher: .... Theaft is counted so horrible amongest some nations, that men commonly will rather sterve then steale, and here in England he that can robbe a man by the hygh waye is called a tall felowe.1

* * *

Lawyer: All countreys have their faults, and I cannot excuse Englande, but yet I will not so accuse my countreye that I will make it altogeter woorse then others. The Flemynges and hyghe Almaines are subject most to dronkennes, the Italyan to revenge wronges by murder, and otherwyse to synne horribly in suche sorte as is not to be named, although that same haynous filthynesse is not onelye used there. The Frenche man is charged with furious rashenes and over much intermedling in all causes and states, the Spanyarde wyth intolerable pryde and disdayne against all others, the Portyngall wyth over much superstition in relygion, and simplicitie of lyfe, the Scottyshman with braggynge and lyinge, the Englysheman with glottony in stede of hospitalitie, with much thefte to sette foorth his braverie, and sometimes treason for desire of innovacion.2

Thomas Wilson


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Text added to site on 20 September 2001 | Page last modified on 28 August 2007

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